
Mandić, D., Knežević, M., Borovčanin, D., & Vujko, A. (2024). Robotisation and service automation in the tourism and hospitality sector: a meta-study (1993-2024). Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 55(3), 1271–1280.

Abstract The aim of this study was to illustrate the expansion of the volume of articles based on robotisation and automation in the hospitality and tourism industry, investigate different research designs and research directions, and explain their change from 1993...

Turčinović, M., Vujko, A., Knežević, M. (2024): Basic directions and possibilities of tourism sustainable development from the aspect of economic indicators of sustainability– Mountains case study. Turizam, 28(2), 98-111

Abstract The paper deals with the concept of sustainable tourism in mountainous, rural areas of Serbia and its economic indicators, i.e., the impact of economic indicators of sustainability on the local community, to point out the potential directions of tourism...

Pavluković, V., Kovačić, S., Pavlović, D., Stankov, U., Cimbaljević, M., Panić, A., Radojević, T., & Pivac, T. (2024). Tourism destination competitiveness: An application model for Serbia. Journal of Vacation Marketing,

Abstract Various tourism destination competitiveness indicators and models have been developed and applied by different researchers and regions. Scholars emphasize that there is no single set of competitiveness indicators applicable to all destinations, and a more...

Nastić, S., Vujko, A., Dragosavac, M. (2024). Does economic indicators of sustainable tourism present a promising trend of rural destination development? Attitudes from Vojvodina rural residents. Economic of Agriculture,

Abstract To be considered sustainable, tourism in rural destinations should provide long-term economic benefits and have a push-up effect on the population’s determination to engage in sustainable tourism. Also, sustainable tourism must reduce the negative effects of...

Panić, A., Vujko, A., Knežević, M. (2024): Economic indicators of rural destination development oriented to tourism management: The case of ethno villages in Western Serbia. Hotel and Tourism Management

Abstract Purpose – This paper explores the economic indicators of rural destination development focused on tourism management, with a specific emphasis on four ethno villages in Western Serbia. Our study, conducted from May 2022 to May 2023, gauges the local...
