
Vujko, A., Bojović, R., Nedeljković, D., Jović, M.D., & Todorović, M.J. (2024). CAN ORGANIC FARMING CONTRIBUTE ON SUSTAINABLE WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN RURAL TOURISM? AN NACIONAL PARK EVIDENCE. Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 57(4spl), 2143–2151

Abstract The research actually represents two very important topics: female entrepreneurship in rural areas and organic production, with the hypothesis (H) that organic production forms the base of sustainable female entrepreneurship. Phase one used the interview...

Stankov, U., Carmer, A. B., Vujičić, M. D., Kennell, J., Lazić, L., Kalinić, Č., Masliković, D., & Jovanović, S. (2025). „All the world’s a stage“ – The spatial value of destination DJ videos. Geographica Pannonica, 29(1), 1–11.

Abstract This exploratory article analyzes the contemporary trend in the music and event industry oforganizing and filming electronic dance music (EDM) events at tourist destinations. Thesevideos featuring DJ sets in attractive locations, referred to as destination DJ...

Cimbaljević, M., Panić, A., Kovačić, S., Knežević, M., & Pavluković, V. (2024). What factors do tourists consider most important when evaluating the competitiveness of tourism? The focus on developing economy. Journal of the Geographical Institute „Jovan Cvijic“

Abstract Tourism is a critical driver of economic growth in developing countries, where it often serves as a primary source of international revenue, job creation, and infrastructure development. Understanding the factors of tourism competitiveness is essential...

Vujko, A., Karabašević, D., Cvijanović, D., Vukotić, S., Brzaković, P., Mirčetić, V. (2024). Women’s empowerment in rural tourism as a key of sustainable communities transformation. Sustainability 2024, 16, 10412

Abstract The study focuses on the significance of empowering women, which plays a crucial role in the sustainable transformation of rural communities. It highlights the relevance of rural tourism as both an indicator of women’s livelihoods and a catalyst for...

Bjelić, K., Vujko, A., Panić, A. (2024): Comparative analysis of the tourist destinations competitiveness in function to improve the tourist offer – Kranjska Gora and Zlatibor case study. The European Journal of Applied Economics, EJAE 2024, 21(2): 88 – 106

Abstract The initial hypothesis of the work was the assumption that Zlatibor has potential for sustainable tourism development, but that the tourism destina-tion Zlatibor is still not sufficiently competitive with the tourism destination Kranjska Gora. The research...

Knežević, M., Pindžo, R., Ćulić, M., Kovačić, S., Dunjić, M., Vujko, A. (2024). Sustainable (re)development of tourism destinations as a pledge for the future – a case study from the Western Balkans. Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 56(4), 1564-1575

Abstract The study aims to analyse and thus obtain a comprehensive understanding of the current situation, issues, needs, and challenges related to the tourism sector in the five Western Balkans economies in the post-COVID-19 context. The survey collects and analyze...


Предговор Монографија Конкурентност туристичке дестинације – модел евалуације за Србију, написана на српском и енглеском језику, садржи основне информације о TOURCOMSERBIA пројекту и најзначајније резултате истраживања која су спроведена у оквиру пројекта. У...

Stojanović, E., Vujko, A., Knežević, M. (2024). The state and perspectives of the Zlatibor rural tourism development from the aspect of sociological indicators of sustainability. Serbian Journal of Engineering Management, 9(2), 1-9

Abstrakt Sociološki indikatori održivosti predstavljaju značajnu oblast za turizam kroz ispitivanje društvenih pojava unutar jedne zajednice. Rad se zasniva na analiziranju anketnih pitanja lokalnog stanovništva opštine Čajetina u vezi razvoja turizma na planini i...

Arsić, M., Vujko, A., Knežević, M. (2024). Development Perspectives of Wellness and Spa Tourism in the context of the tourism business sustainability. Sustainability (M22), Sustainability 2024, 16(20), 8760

Abstract The main objective of this research was to present Serbia as a destination for wellness and spa tourism, bearing in mind the fact that there are about 1000 springs in this area with a potential for tourism. Then again, since there are only about 40 active...
