od strane EXCTadmin | дец 23, 2022 | Публикације
This study aims to investigate how national parks, identified as remarkable and, therefore, worthy of the trip, are visited and experienced. The main objective of this study was to explore the influence of memorable tourism experiences on environmentally responsible...
od strane EXCTadmin | дец 13, 2022 | Публикације
European Capitals of Culture (ECoC) is an initiative that promotes European cultural diversity with the aim of economic, cultural, and social revitalization. Measuring complex impacts is a constant challenge for both practitioners and academia. Thus, the paper...
od strane EXCTadmin | авг 21, 2022 | Публикације
Many technologically driven societies currently experience a “pandemic of loneliness“. The purpose of this viewpoint paper is to conceptualize loneliness as a persistent and widespread issue among consumers that has been amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic and...
od strane EXCTadmin | авг 20, 2022 | Публикације
Tour guide performance has been a hotly debated academic topic, owing to the critical role they play in facilitating a variety of tourist experiences. Similarly, museum tour guides are the initial point of contact for tourists and have a substantial impact on the...
od strane BestGuardAdmin | апр 8, 2022 | Публикације
Abstract Understanding activity preferences and their antecedents is essential for creating personalized tourism offers and effective destination marketing, vital components of a sustainable tourism destination. Previous studies have provided insights into tourist...