This exploratory article analyzes the contemporary trend in the music and event industry oforganizing and filming electronic dance music (EDM) events at tourist destinations. Thesevideos featuring DJ sets in attractive locations, referred to as destination DJ videos (DDJVs),accumulate a substantial number of views on social media platforms, primarily YouTube.Due to their widespread popularity, they represent an untapped source of online mediacontent, holding potential for broader industry utilization and academic analysis of theirspatial value, understood as an addition to the typically considered social, cultural, and eco-nomic values of music events. DDJVs combine the popularity of a music genre, an artist, amusic streaming platform, and the destination featured in the video, offering various per-spectives and approaches for assessing and evaluating them within the domain of tourism.The presence of datasets encompassing DDJVs stands as a noteworthy and substantial re-source for novel academic explorations within the sphere of tourism research, expandingthe scope of visual studies in tourism. Moreover, DDJVs have the potential to serve as valu-able and pragmatic instruments for fostering innovation in the field of destination market-ing. This exploratory study provides an early evaluation of research directions for DDJVs.