Tourism destination competitiveness has been studied by many research scholars who proposed different destination competitiveness evaluation models. However, there is no single set of indicators applicable to all destinations and a more specific approach for each destination is required. The aim of this paper is to present development of a novel tourism destination competitiveness model for Serbia (TOURCOMSERBIA), which creation is based on the participatory approach which was overlooked in the previous models. Participatory approach is mirrored in the application of the DELPHI method which was used for defining the model indicators by key tourism stakeholders in Serbia. Prior to application of Delphi method, a thorough literature review on destination competitiveness was performed which resulted in the total of 165 indicators extracted. Then, the Delphi method was applied through three rounds of indicators evaluation, where stakeholders estimated how relevant each of the 165 indicators is for measuring destination competitiveness of Serbia. After literature review, a targeted workshop where Delphi was applied, and pilot testing the final model was established, containing 101 indicators. The model is useful for policymakers to evaluate tourism competitiveness of Serbia over time and to guide them in their policy choices. This study presents and discusses the stages of model development and offers theoretical and practical contributions with generally applicable insights for Serbia and similar destinations.